One of our key activities in the context of COVID-19 was the implementation of the "Growing Up Well" project, which is a three-year multisectoral programme (2018-Teenage and Youth Reproductive Health, with the collaboration of different partners, in seven Health Zones of the City-Province of Kinshasa (MASIKIKIMI, BIYELA and KINGASANI). "Bien Grandir", with which it shares the same socio-ecological model, focused on teenagers who attended school and those who did not, taking into account their social referents (notably parents, teachers, health providers and community members) in an approach to transforming social and gender norms. It includes the package Sexual and Reproductive Health of Teenagers and Young People, Family Planning, and Gender-Based Violence and targets 65,690 teenagers from 10 to 19 years of age, 12,450 of them directly in Youth Clubs and 53,240 indirectly as Coronavirus measures struck and put a temporary stop to activities with school and non-school clubs in March. Activities have resumed only with non-school clubs, which involves the Mapela and Kivu districts for the Masina 1 health zone. These sessions are held in accordance with the restrictive COVID-19 measures, which the facilitators are supposed to observe, apply and enforce. They include compulsory temperature-taking, washing and physical distancing. The objective is to improve the quality of life of adolescents and young people (girls and boys) in the target communes of Kinshasa, through equal access to gender-sensitive sexual and reproductive health/family planning information and services that integrate issues of sexual and gender-based violence. As an annex to these outlines, I have attached a leaflet containing information about us and a photo taken during a training session with very young teenagers in school, which was held in the LOKALI school in the Masina commune of Kinshasa. DEAR AMBASSADORS OF THE WALLONIA BRAND, I would like to appeal to everyone to try even a little bit to help African children in and out of school to grow up better.