From 6 to 12 November 2021
The Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) and Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) will organise the Wallonia-Brussels Visibility Week at the Belgian pavilion on the Expo site. This event aims to take advantage of the exceptional showcase offered by Expo 2020 to present the expertise and excellence of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to visitors from around the world.
The week in brief...
Based on the major themes of the World Expo and the key economic sectors of the United Arab Emirates, WBI and the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency will organise activities for the general public based around culture and industry (space, agri-food, digital, design, equine, etc.).
Other activities aimed at a specific public (universities, companies, official delegations) will take place in the Business Centre of the Belgian pavilion. These targeted activities will aim to bring together key contacts with a view to creating synergies with Walloon and international participants.
Programs and links for registration: https://linktr.ee/awexuae