Hand sanitiser gel quickly became a rare commodity in the market during this current health crisis. But some companies have adapted their production lines in order to join in the efforts to produce this precious liquid.
In the face of the shortage, Minister De Croo has authorised pharmacies to obtain supplies from distilleries, and has also facilitated the processes and adapted the tax system. Around 20 alcohol producers have taken the necessary steps. They include several Walloon businesses, such as the Biercée Distillery in Thuin, the large Charleroi Distilleries in Jumet and the Ferme de Mont-Saint-Jean distillery in Waterloo. They are producing 90° alcohol to meet the needs of the pharmacies making the famous hand sanitiser gel.
But they are not the only ones involved in the effort! Libinvest Cosmetics, a cosmetics company based in Binche, is also making a contribution. Its Director, Thomas Libert, explained that, “we have the tools, the raw materials, and staff qualified to produce the gel. We have developed a formula that meets the needs of the market and rescheduled our non-urgent production; we cannot stand by and do nothing.”
We must stress that these initiatives are not motivated by a deadweight effect, as most businesses are selling their produce at cost price… but it allows them to keep several jobs going during this time of uncertainty !