Cyberspace transcends borders in our increasingly digital world. Within the EU, it is therefore essential to guarantee digital security and strategic autonomy by strengthening cybersecurity.
The SPARTA (Special Projects for Advanced Research and Technology in Europe) project is an innovative network of cybersecurity skills, funded by the EU's H2020 programme and aimed at developing and implementing high-level research and innovation activities.
I am not a robot, Phishing, spyware, viruses, password attacks.... We all have experience of this or we may even have sometimes suffered a cyber attack, with our personal data disclosed and used...
More broadly, cybersecurity presents political, strategic and economic challenges that go far beyond the security of information systems alone. It must also take into account the social, educational, legal, technical, diplomatic and military aspects. This requires technical excellence, adaptability and cooperation.
Guided by the concrete challenges of a roadmap for cybersecurity research and innovation, the SPARTA project will develop unique collaborative resources, leading the way in transformative capacity-building and becoming the world leader by creating a network of cybersecurity skills in the EU.
Research Director Jean-Marc Van Gyseghem and researcher Manon Knockaert from the University of Namur will contribute their expertise in the legal aspects of data protection in the context of large-scale cybersecurity research and innovation.