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Despite the coronavirus crisis, GreenWin continues to achieve its objectives through a series of four virtual master sessions using an interactive teleconferencing tool.

During these sessions, GreenWin will focus on biorefineries which are central to new bioeconomy production processes.

The purpose of these master sessions is:

- to assess the innovative technology used to stimulate activities in the fields of green chemistry and white biotechnology worldwide,
- to share knowledge and gain new experience in doing so,
- to stimulate the creation of new R&D projects involving the academic world, research centres and industrial players in the sector, both regionally and internationally,
- to highlight the link between Research and the Market.

Each Master Session will last up to 2 hours from 10am to 12pm and will be based on a theme. Here is the programme:
Session no. 1: New (bio)resources - 10 September 2020
Session no. 2: New (bio)products - 24 September 2020
Session no. 3: New technologies > Industrial Microbiology Network - 8 October 2020
Session no. 4: New technologies > Enzymatic and extraction technologies - 29 October 2020

The detailed programme and list of speakers is available in the document below.

Pricing (excl. VAT):
> Members: €50.00 per Master Session & €170.00 for all 4 sessions
> Non-members: €75.00 per Master Session & €250.00 for all 4 sessions

For more details and to register, please visit the official web page for the event.
