Building on its success, Dogstudio, world-renowned as one of the leading emotional design agencies, has decided to create a group dedicated to the creative and digital industries. This project has already led to the launch of a new agency, La Niche !
With clients on three continents, including Microsoft, Google and the Kennedy Center, Dogstudio has demonstrated over the last few years that it is possible to be an international, independent agency, whilst still remaining hyper-creative and provoking emotion through its creations. The strong growth of the Chicago office, which opened almost two years ago, has forced the agency to review its ambitions and accelerate its international dimension and growth, which already represent more than 35% of its turnover.
To meet this demand, the launch of La Niche will enable the group to equip itself for the future and respond to a new challenge by highlighting its least visible activity: strategy and the design of technological products. The new agency will offer a wide range of services from strategy to the production of digital solutions and will collaborate effectively with its customers and partners by offering them relevant solutions to grow their businesses.
La Niche will mainly focus on scale-ups and companies that want to escalate or move from a prototype to a unique and excellent product, as well as those wanting to improve the return on their digital investments in order to grow.
The Superdog group, at the head of Dogstudio, La Niche, Superbe (a studio that creates interactive installations) and the KIKK Festival, is now preparing to make the most of developments in this changing world.
Source : Communiqué de presse de Dogstudio
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