Hello, the Belgium and Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Culture in Peru has the opportunity to strengthen the French language culture of our overseas compatriots and their children, as well as contacts with other French speakers and friends of the French language by opening a library with between 1,000 and 1,500 books in French thanks to Mr Willy Lefèvre*, a benefactor, a true guide for authors, readers and lovers of French literature who has made a donation to us. We are looking for ways to transfer them from Belgium to Peru to create this library of quality publications.
Can you help us? This library will also allow potential readers to find guidance and make decisions based on critical reviews and interviews with the authors to keep interested parties informed via platforms such as our Chamber's Facebook (Belgium and Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Peru), as well as that of the Association of Belgians in Peru and the UFBE Peru (Union of Belgian French-Speakers Abroad - Peru) and others.
Have a good weekend.
Guy O. Vanackeren.
*Interview of M. Willy Lefèvre par Guy O. Vanackeren de la CamaraCCBLP, Interviews de M. Willy Lefèvre, Willy Lefevre et la littérature , alias Marc page,